Safety practices in the Machine shop

The proper safety rules and protocols should be used in the machine shop.

Following the machine shop safety rules can help to prevent injury to the machinists. 

Not following the machine shop safety guidelines can result in a disciplinary action.

Not following safety guidelines can result in the injury of others. 

Always wear safety glasses

Always wear the proper eye protection device, safety glasses should be worn at all times, face shield may also need to be worn.

Safety guards should be properly setup at all times.

Only standard safety glasses should be used.

Never wear shorts or loose clothing

Long sleeve shirts should be worn to protect the skin on the arms from red hot chips and sharp chips produced by the machining operation of grinders, milling machines and lathes.

Legs need to be protected by wearing long pants.

Loose clothing needs to be tucked in loose clothing can get caught in moving parts and become a safety hazard.

Neck ties and jewelry and neck teas should not be worn in the machine shop. 

Neck ties and jewelry can easily be caught in a machine causing a dangerous situation.

Jewelry should be removed before working with any machine tools.


Machines should be stopped before they are cleaned. 

Machines and hand tools should always be properly oiled before use. 

Always use a brush and not a clothe to remove chips that have been left by the machining process. 

Oily surfaces should be cleaned with a cloth. 

Never put tools and/or materials onto the machine’s table place them onto a nearby workbench.

Keep the floor clen of grease or oil. 

Cleanup and sweep up any machine chips off of the floor as frequently as possible. These chips can become embedded into the soles of shoes. 

Tools and materials should not be placed on the floor near a machine, this will prevent the operator of the machine from moving safely around the machine. 

Bar stock should be returned to the storage rack when then require amount has been cut off at the required length. 

Never use compressed gas such as air to blow away chips from the machine or clothing. 

Safe work practices

Never operate a machine without understanding its mechanisms and its operations, the operator should know how to stop it quickly. 

Before operating any machine ensure that all safety devices are in place, and in proper working order. 

Always disconnect power from a machine and used lock out and tag out when making repairs on a machine. 

Always make sure that the cutting tool and the workpiece are properly and securely mounted before machining. 

Always keep your hands away from moving parts. 

Always stop the machine before making adjustments to it or cleaning it. 

Never use a cleaning rag near moving parts. 

No more than one person should be operating a machine at any given time. 

First aid should be given immediately after any injury. 

Remove any burrs or sharp edges with a file before handling a workpiece. 

Properly lift any heavy objects. 

Make sure the cutting tool is clear of the work piece before starting the machine. 

Fire prevention 

Always put oily rags into a proper metal container. 

Always use the proper procedure when lighting a gas furnace.

Know where the fire extinguishers are located through out the shop.

Know where the exits of the building are. 

Masure no combustible materials are nearby when using a cutting torch or when welding. 

Know the location of the fire alarms. 

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