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November 11, 2023
There are two types of milling machine vertical and horizontal milling machines.
Milling machine are one of the most common machine tools used in a machine shop, they use many different types of cutting...
November 11, 2023
Various types of grinders are used for finishing the surface of parts.
Round part’s surfaces are finished using ID/OD grinders, which stand for outside diameter and inside diameter grinders.
November 11, 2023
The proper safety rules and protocols should be used in the machine shop.
Following the machine shop safety rules can help to prevent injury to the machinists.
Not following the machine shop safety...
November 11, 2023
It is important to use the proper cutting speed and feed rate to prevent injury and for damaging the machine or cutting tool.
The proper feed rate and cutting speed need to be determined before machining...
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